West Park’s future must be inclusive, comprehensive, and strategic.

Revitalizing West Park and transforming lives begins with all of us. Together, we can improve public safety, drive economic development, and provide sustainability and livability through transparency and inclusion for all who call West Park and for our local businesses. And, we can do this block by block.

Block By Block is my 2020-2024 plan for continuing to build West Park’s growing community.

  • Traffic calming projects
  • COVID preparedness and enhancements so our parks can fully open to the community
  • Mental illness registry (with BSO)
  • Holiday decorating contest (2021)
  • Code enforcement resident compliance guide: Assess/Educate/Enforce
  • Utopia/business area cleanup and code enforcement
  • Love your block project
    • Adopt a Block: Working with code enforcement, a block of residents will be recognized for block cleanup, yard maintenance, etc.
  • Code enhancement policies and procedures
  • Public Service Day luncheon to recognize all staff and Service “year” Awards for staff (May)
  • Survey community to determine what youth services and sports are desired
  • Restoration and enhancement of our senior programming
  • Aggressive campaign for more economic development
  • Increase text messaging and email enrollment
  • Provide Mayor’s office hours from 10am-12 noon and 3pm-5pm
  • Mayor’s chat quarterly
  • Create a residents’ business directory
  • State of the City (March)
  • Commission meeting invocations done by local pastors (Jan 2021)
  • Broward College & Hispanic Vote (engagement of Miami Gardens area)
  • Who to call / what to do mailer / postcards
  • Church collaborations
  • Rebranding to restore the city’s image
  • Upgrade the city’s website upgrade to make it more user friendly
  • Update the city’s app to look and feel exactly like website
  • Increase the city’s social media presence and consistency
  • Did you know West Park?
  • Create a link/tab on the city’s website for residents to report issues, including trash pickup and code enforcement concerns

I want everyone to feel we have persevered by uniting as one against any adversity. For a city’s greatness isn’t measured by what has been accomplished but, rather by what has yet to be achieved.

For we are stronger together progressing; the winds of change are in our favor. Together is how we build a stronger future. Our city will continue to progress and because of you we can proudly declare that the state of our city is strong, unified and ready to take on the future.

Join me every day doing our part, collectively and individually, for a city whose legacy we can clearly S.E.E. (Service, Equality and Empowerment).

Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column or cutting a piece of stained glass in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves. We are #OneWestPark!


EqualityCommon GroundHopeA Stronger West Park


As Mayor of West Park, I will continue to serve the residents of West Park as an advocate for:

  • High quality services throughout the city.

  • Fiscally responsible, practical government spending based on “needs” and deferring “wants” until our economy gets stronger and our revenue growth is prosperous.

  • Protecting our lakes, upgrading our parks and public facilities.

  • Economic Development – working with community leaders, civic organizations, and business owners to create new ways to grow and expand our economy.

  • Supportive of effective solutions for traffic calming.

  • Education – continued partnerships with our schools.

  • Forward Thinking – thinking beyond and planning for several years ahead.

  • Promoting citizen involvement.

  • Public safety.

This list is certainly not complete. I am sure there are a number of issues that I have not mentioned here that may concern you. Please contact me with your concerns via signing up for Conversations with Your Commissioner.

As Mayor of West Park, I will continue to serve the residents of West Park as an advocate for:

  • High quality services throughout the city.

  • Fiscally responsible, practical government spending based on “needs” and deferring “wants” until our economy gets stronger and our revenue growth is prosperous.

  • Protecting our lakes, upgrading our parks and public facilities.

  • Economic Development – working with community leaders, civic organizations, and business owners to create new ways to grow and expand our economy.

  • Supportive of effective solutions for traffic calming.

  • Education – continued partnerships with our schools.

  • Forward Thinking – thinking beyond and planning for several years ahead.

  • Promoting citizen involvement.

  • Public safety.

  • Beautification projects.

This list is certainly not complete. I am sure there are a number of issues that I have not mentioned here that may concern you. Please contact me with your concerns via signing up for Conversations with Your Commissioner.